Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Need Sleep. Resist Coffee.

I am officially limiting my caffeine intake for the first time since I went cold turkey in my last year of high school. From this experience, I learned that it only takes one week to get over the headaches and involuntary midmorning naps. However, it is more fun to have people think you are clean when, in fact, you really are just gulping down a thermos before entering school and throwing back con pannas between weekend gatherings. Oh the thrill of it! Coffee-laced adrenaline mixed with the paranoid anxiety of being discovered.

This instance is more for my sanity than wish to convince friends that I'm not an addict. My departure date is looming and every night I lay awake thinking of all the terrible things that could go wrong (all of which, in the broader picture, aren't all that terrible - but I cannot come to that rationalization at 2am). I won't make friends. My nights and weekends will consist of me sitting alone in my room. The details of traveling will be too much for me to handle. I won't be able to travel anywhere outside of England and this whole trip will be a waste. I won't be able to see it all. I will run out of money and food. I will be attacked by a Manchester United fan and DIE.

Therefore: No more coffee past noon. I need to sleep.

I'm really quite fine during the day.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Your last concern really is quite valid. Soccer hooligans get riled up easily.

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