Monday, February 8, 2010

Trade Offs

Maple Syrup and Nutella UK

I dreamt about maple syrup last night. I woke up and knew I had a problem. I should have already guessed after being told I came to the mind of someone who saw maple syrup in the grocery aisle. Apparenty, I've been more vocal than I thought (real surprise there). It cannot be a good thing when someone strolls down the grocery aisle, spots a random item, and thinks of you. Roses - normal, maple syrup - weird. However, in return I get the real treat of having Nutella UK. All nutella is not made equally.

Guacamole and Curry

So far there have been no dreams including guacamole...but they may not be far off. I already know what I'll be doing my first days back in June. These plans include Wayzata docks, Caribou, John Updike, cornbread, and creating a homemade guacamole recipe. It may take 5 batches to get it right...or 8...or 20. At least I am completely surrounded by amazing curries. No, they aren't exactly authentic but Anglicized tikka masala is still tasty as hell. I can definitely bring back my newfound love of curry to the states but I cannot exactly get it at my union, late-night pizza joints or Chinese take-out. Yes - English Chinese takeouts serve curry. Move here, now.

1 comment:

El Langland said...

I´m missing curry, I am having my mom send me some while i´m in arequipa. i like your idea for the first day back, let´s repeat it in july!

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